What Data will be sent to Azure FarmBeats?

FarmBeats is currently an EnviroMonitor-based system. Therefore, only data related to EnviroMonitors (EMs) will be sent to FarmBeats. This applies to any and all EMs that:

  • you own and are registered under your account
  • that are pro-shared to your account.

The graphic below shows where you can view both the Owned as well as Shared stations.


What does the data look like?

Although this is not meant to be a technical document, it is sometimes useful to get a feel for data. Below is an actual telemetry record that has been sent to Azure FarmBeats. It is a text record in JSON format.

	"temp": 70.7,
	"rainfall": 0,
	"wind_speed_avg": 0,
	"rainfall_rate_hi": null,
	"wind_speed_hi": 0,
	"wind_dir_of_hi": null,
	"evapotranspiration": 0,
	"solar_rad_hi": 0,
	"wind_dir_of_prevail": null,
	"bar": 29.986,
	"temperature_lo": 70.6,
	"humidity": 57,
	"wind_num_samples": 117,
	"temperature_hi": 70.7,
	"archive_interval": 300,
	"timestamp": "2022-05-19T18:10:00Z",
	"solar_rad_avg": 0