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The WeatherLink Live (WLL) implements a HTTP interface for getting current weather data. The response to a valid HTTP Get request is a JSON document with the current weather from all the Davis transmitters it is tracking. The Live’s barometer, inside temperature, and inside humidity are also returned. The interface can support continuous requests as often as every 10 seconds. Additionally, you can also start a real-time 2.5 sec broadcast for wind speed and rain over UDP port 22222. The syntaxes of supported HTTP requests are described below. You can test this interface using a browser or the Windows cURL utility.

For Local API to work, the WeatherLink Live and the device through which the Current Conditions and Real-Time data broadcast are requested have to be on the same local network.

For details on programatically finding WeatherLink Live devices on the local network, see Device Discovery

Local API Current Conditions

Format of the Incoming HTTP Requests

 http://<WeatherLink Live’s ip_addr:port>/v1/current_conditions

Returns a JSON document with the current conditions record along with the transmitter ID, logical sensor ID, data structure type, device ID and current timestamp at which the request was made.

HTTP Request

or in CURL:

curl -X GET -H "application/json"
Response string

The data_structure_type field can be used to determine what type of record a JSON object represents. Possible values include:

1 = ISS Current Conditions record

2 = Leaf/Soil Moisture Current Conditions record

3 = LSS BAR Current Conditions record

4 = LSS Temp/Hum Current Conditions record

                "lsid":48308,                                  // logical sensor ID **(no unit)**
                "data_structure_type":1,                       // data structure type **(no unit)**
                "txid":1,                                      // transmitter ID **(no unit)**
                "temp":62.7,                                   // most recent valid temperature **(°F)**
                "hum":1.1,                                     // most recent valid humidity **(%RH)**
                "dew_point":-0.3,                              // **(°F)**
                "wet_bulb":null,                               // **(°F)**
                "heat_index":5.5,                              // **(°F)**
                "wind_chill":6.0,                              // **(°F)**
                "thw_index":5.5,                               // **(°F)**
                "thsw_index":5.5,                              // **(°F)**
                "wind_speed_last":2,                           // most recent valid wind speed **(mph)**
                "wind_dir_last":null,                          // most recent valid wind direction **(°degree)**
                "wind_speed_avg_last_1_min":4,                 // average wind speed over last 1 min **(mph)**
                "wind_dir_scalar_avg_last_1_min":15,           // scalar average wind direction over last 1 min **(°degree)**
                "wind_speed_avg_last_2_min":42606,             // average wind speed over last 2 min **(mph)**
                "wind_dir_scalar_avg_last_2_min":170.7,        // scalar average wind direction over last 2 min **(°degree)**
                "wind_speed_hi_last_2_min":8,                  // maximum wind speed over last 2 min **(mph)**
                "wind_dir_at_hi_speed_last_2_min":0.0,         // gust wind direction over last 2 min **(°degree)**
                "wind_speed_avg_last_10_min":42606,            // average wind speed over last 10 min **(mph)**
                "wind_dir_scalar_avg_last_10_min":4822.5,      // scalar average wind direction over last 10 min **(°degree)**
                "wind_speed_hi_last_10_min":8,                 // maximum wind speed over last 10 min **(mph)**
                "wind_dir_at_hi_speed_last_10_min":0.0,        // gust wind direction over last 10 min **(°degree)**
                "rain_size":2,                                 // rain collector type/size **(0: Reserved, 1: 0.01", 2: 0.2 mm, 3:  0.1 mm, 4: 0.001")**
                "rain_rate_last":0,                            // most recent valid rain rate **(counts/hour)**
                "rain_rate_hi":null,                           // highest rain rate over last 1 min **(counts/hour)**
                "rainfall_last_15_min":null,                   // total rain count over last 15 min **(counts)**
                "rain_rate_hi_last_15_min":0,                  // highest rain rate over last 15 min **(counts/hour)**
                "rainfall_last_60_min":null,                   // total rain count for last 60 min **(counts)**
                "rainfall_last_24_hr":null,                    // total rain count for last 24 hours **(counts)**
                "rain_storm":null,                             // total rain count since last 24 hour long break in rain **(counts)**
                "rain_storm_start_at":null,                    // UNIX timestamp of current rain storm start **(seconds)**
                "solar_rad":747,                               // most recent solar radiation **(W/m²)**
                "uv_index":5.5,                                // most recent UV index **(Index)**
                "rx_state":2,                                  // configured radio receiver state **(no unit)**
                "trans_battery_flag":0,                        // transmitter battery status flag **(no unit)**
                "rainfall_daily":63,                           // total rain count since local midnight **(counts)**
                "rainfall_monthly":63,                         // total rain count since first of month at local midnight **(counts)**
                "rainfall_year":63,                            // total rain count since first of user-chosen month at local midnight **(counts)**
                "rain_storm_last":null,                        // total rain count since last 24 hour long break in rain **(counts)**
                "rain_storm_last_start_at":null,               // UNIX timestamp of last rain storm start **(sec)**
                "rain_storm_last_end_at":null                  // UNIX timestamp of last rain storm end **(sec)**
                "temp_1":null,                                 // most recent valid soil temp slot 1 **(°F)**
                "temp_2":null,                                 // most recent valid soil temp slot 2 **(°F)**
                "temp_3":null,                                 // most recent valid soil temp slot 3 **(°F)**
                "temp_4":null,                                 // most recent valid soil temp slot 4 **(°F)**
                "moist_soil_1":null,                           // most recent valid soil moisture slot 1 **(|cb|)**
                "moist_soil_2":null,                           // most recent valid soil moisture slot 2 **(|cb|)**
                "moist_soil_3":null,                           // most recent valid soil moisture slot 3 **(|cb|)**
                "moist_soil_4":null,                           // most recent valid soil moisture slot 4 **(|cb|)**
                "wet_leaf_1":null,                             // most recent valid leaf wetness slot 1 **(no unit)**
                "wet_leaf_2":null,                             // most recent valid leaf wetness slot 2 **(no unit)**
                "rx_state":null,                               // configured radio receiver state **(no unit)**
                "trans_battery_flag":null                      // transmitter battery status flag **(no unit)**
                "temp_in":78.0,                                // most recent valid inside temp **(°F)**
                "hum_in":41.1,                                 // most recent valid inside humidity **(%RH)**
                "dew_point_in":7.8,                            // **(°F)**
                "heat_index_in":8.4                            // **(°F)**
                "bar_sea_level":30.008,                        // most recent bar sensor reading with elevation adjustment **(inches)**
                "bar_trend":null,                              // current 3 hour bar trend **(inches)**
                "bar_absolute":30.008                          // raw bar sensor reading **(inches)**
Receiver State

The rx_state field describes the radio reception state for the transmitter.

Value Name Meaning VP2 Console Display Equivalent
0 Synched & Tracking Transmitter has been acquired and is actively being received. Blinking “X”
1 Synched Transmitter has been acquired, but we have missed 1-14 packets in a row. “X” not blinking when expected
2 Scanning Transmitter has not been acquired yet, or we’ve lost it (more than 15 missed packets in a row). “R” reacquisition mode

In the “Synched” state the radio expects to hear from the transmitter in the future. The radio can miss a packet due to external radio interference or if two transmitters happen to transmit at the same time and the radio can only receive one of the packets.

In the “Scanning” state the radio does not have any synchronization with the transmitter. The radio will actively look for unacquired transmitters in this state.

Transmitter Battery Status

The trans_battery_flag field describes the current status of the transmitter’s CR-123A battery. A value of 1 indicates the battery is low, while a value of 0 indicates that the battery is okay.

Note: the battery status measurement may cross over from low to okay and back again throughout the day depending on the state of the solar panel and super-capacitor. For best results, check the battery status when the solar panel is not producing power.

Real Time Data Broadcast through UDP

If there are more than 3 ISS transmitters registered to the WeatherLink Live, the data will be sent in multiple UDP packets. Note, data is sent every 2.5 seconds. Broadcast time is accepted only in SECONDS. Maximum broadcast time is set to 86400 seconds (24 hours). If the requested broadcast time is more than 24 hours, response code “400 – Bad request” is sent.

Format of Real – Time Broadcast Request

Live's ip_addr:port >/v1/real_time

Tells the WW to begin broadcasting UDP data and continue for 1200 seconds (20 minutes)

The default duration is 20 minutes.


Live's ip_addr:port >/v1/real_time?duration=xxx

Tells the WW to begin broadcasting UDP data and continue for ‘xxx’ seconds

HTTP Request
curl -X GET -H "application/json"
HTTP Response for UDP Broadcast Request

Duration returned may be longer than the duration requested, if the broadcast is already enabled. If there is another request to extend the broadcast time before the previous request is completed, then

UDP Broadcast Response

The data_structure_type field can be used to determine what type of record a JSON object represents. Possible values include:

1 = ISS Rapid Update record

First Broadcast Packet (with 3 ISS Sensors):
    "conditions": [
            "lsid":3187671188,                           // logical sensor ID **(no unit)**
            "data_structure_type":1,                     // data structure type **(no unit)**
            "txid":1,                                    // transmitter ID **(no unit)**
            "wind_speed_last":0.08,                      // most recent wind speed **(mph)**
            "wind_dir_last":26.7,                        // most recent wind direction **(°degree)**
            "rain_size":2,                               // rain collector size/type **(0: Reserved, 1: 0.01", 2: 0.2 mm, 3: 0.1 mm, 4: 0.001")**
            "rain_rate_last":0,                          // most recent rain rate **(count/hour)**
            "rain_15_min":0,                             // total rain count over last 15 min **(counts)**
            "rain_60_min":0,                             // total rain count over last 60 min **(counts)**
            "rain_24_hr":0,                              // total rain count over last 24 hours **(counts)**
            "rain_storm":0,                              // total rain count since last 24 hour long break in rain **(counts)**
            "rain_storm_start_at":1553187540,            // UNIX timestamp of current rain storm start **(seconds)**
            "rainfall_daily":63,                         // total rain count since local midnight **(counts)**
            "rainfall_monthly":63,                       // total rain count since first of the month at local midnight **(counts)**
            "rainfall_year":63,                          // total rain count since first of the user chosen month at local midnight **(counts)** 
            "wind_speed_hi_last_10_min":null,            // maximum wind speed over last 10 min **(mph)**
            "wind_dir_at_hi_speed_last_10_min":null      // gust wind direction over last 10 min **(°degree)**
Second Broadcast Packet (with next 3 ISS Sensors):
Third Broadcast Packet (with remaining 2 ISS Sensors):


Examples of Possible Error Responses with Improperly Formatted Requests

HTTP Request
 curl -X GET -H "application/json "
Response string
        "message":"HTTP Page Not Found"
HTTP Request
curl -X GET -H "application/json"
Response string
        "message":"HTTP Bad Request"
HTTP Request
 curl -X GET -H "application/json" Host: weatherlinklive-700017Accept:*/*Accept-Language: en-usConnection:keep-alive
Response string
        "message":"HTTP URI Too Long"
HTTP Request - (When there are no ISS Transmitter configured, but Real-Time broadcast request is made)
curl -X GET -H "application/json"


curl -X GET -H "application/json"
Response string
        "message":"No ISS Transmitters. Real Time broadcast not enabled"

Current Conditions HTTP Request – Helper Module [Python]

import time
import socket
import os
import json
from multiprocessing import Process
import requests

def make_request_using_socket(url):
            resp = requests.get(url)
            print("HTTP Response Code:", resp)
            json_data = json.loads(resp.text)        
            if json_data["data"] == None:
               print (json_data["error"])
               print (json_data)
        except ConnectionRefusedError:
            print("Encountered 'ConnectionRefusedError'. Please Retry")
        except TimeoutError:        
            print("Encountered 'TimeoutError'. Please Retry")
def main():
    global current_conditions_url
    except ConnectionRefusedError:
        print("Encountered 'ConnectionRefusedError'. Please Retry")
    except TimeoutError:        
        print("Encountered 'TimeoutError'. Please Retry")		    
if __name__ == "__main__":

Real-Time UDP Broadcast Request – Helper Module [Python]

from socket import *
import struct
import time
import requests
import json

URL = ''

def main():
        global URL
        UDP_PORT = 22222
        comsocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM)
        comsocket.setsockopt(SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, 1)
        resp = requests.get(URL)
        while 1:
            print("HTTP Response Code:", resp)
            data, wherefrom = comsocket.recvfrom(2048)
            json_data = json.loads(data.decode("utf-8"))        
            if json_data["conditions"] == None:
                print (json_data["error"])
                print (json_data)

if __name__ == "__main__":